Our team is on hand to provide the highest quality of services required to make your stay at Caroline Bay Marina pleasant and hassle-free.

Email: carolinebaymarina@gmail.com

Direct Line: 1-441-707-5423

Hours of Operation
Open daily from 8am-4pm


Marina Rules

The docks at Caroline Bay Marina are for the enjoyment of all guests and we thank you for respecting the following:

▪ Please maintain a clean outside appearance of your vessel and be considerate of your neighbours
▪ The Marina is designated a “no-wash” zone. We are responsible for the waves we leave behind as we approach the Marina. Vessels are restricted to 4 knots within the facility
▪ Hoses, power cords, and dock boxes are the only items that belong on the docks. All extraneous items belong on the boat and must be stored on your vessel accordingly
▪ Please keep all dock areas clear of obstruction. Dinghies are not allowed on docks or finger piers and cannot be locked in a slip. Please stow your dinghy on your boat, on the side or at the rear as to not obstruct any waterways
▪ Signs are not permitted on boats at the Marina. ‘For Sale’ signs, vendor signs or any others are not allowed
▪ We welcome pets on the docks and around the Marina but please keep your dog on a leash while on Marina property. It is important to control your pet and not allow for other guests to be disturbed by them. Also, pet owners must clean up after their pets at all times
▪ In the interests of preserving the visual amenity of Caroline Bay Marina, hanging of clothes from the rigging or superstructure of vessels is not permitted
▪ Life jackets must be worn by children under the age of twelve while walking the docks
▪ Fresh water provided on the docks comes from a desalination and treatment plant and is of a high quality, suitable for drinking. Water consumption is monitored, but is provided to customers free of charge. Please feel free to use the hose to wash your vessel and fill your tanks but kindly limit the water usage to only what is necessary
▪ Dock Carts are available for all slip-holders to use. Upon completion of use, please return the carts to the designated area at the ends of the main boardwalk at your earliest convenience
▪ The Caroline Bay Marina is a non-smoking environment and therefore, smoking is not permitted on the docks or in the Marina building, including the 2nd floor lounge area or balconies
▪ The Marina is a public environment and out of respect for all the guests, please keep noise to a sensible level. After 10:30pm, music and other loud noises should not be audible to other boats
▪ Use of barbeques is prohibited anywhere on the Caroline Bay Marina facility. On vessels, only gas-fired barbeques are permitted for use
▪ Scooters and motorcycles are not allowed on the docks at Caroline Bay Marina
▪ In order to comply with local regulations, swimming or fishing in the Marina is prohibited within the Marina
▪ All outside contractors must check in at the Marina office before working on any boat at the Marina. Contractors must have a proof of insurance on file at the Marina office prior to entering the docks
▪ Delivery of packages should be scheduled during office hours. The Marina will sign for the delivery and hold your package in a designated area for a short period. Large packages must be picked up ASAP. The Marina is not responsible for damaged or missing packages.

Billing Information

An application form and full payment for mooring charges is required upon arrival at Caroline Bay Marina, if an earlier deposit has not already been made in advance for the planned length of stay.
All owners/captains of vessels will be required to provide contact details along with emergency numbers and a credit card upon arrival for charges incurred during their stay at Caroline Bay Marina. This includes, but is not restricted to:

• Additional night’s stay beyond the planned departure date
• Electricity - metered at arrival and totaled every Friday or upon departure of stay
• Ice Store – Small bags are charged at $6.00/bag and Large bags are charged at $12.00/bag
• Third party services arranged through our concierge team. See Concierge in the Marina office for assistance with any service arrangements you may require

The Caroline Bay Marina also offers a Lounge on the second floor of the Marina building for the exclusive use of our Captains, crew and guests.

Caroline Bay Marina offers a range of experiences and services for our guests and visiting yachts. Our concierge service team can assist with any type of inquiry you may have, from booking dinner reservations, spa services and golf tee times, laundry requirements and flower deliveries, just to name a few.

Safety Information

At Caroline Bay Marina, we take safety very seriously. It is critical that you read and understand all the safety information provided.

During inclement weather, we take all necessary precautions to secure the Marina and your boat, although the boat owner is responsible for their own vigilance. For more detailed information on our hurricane procedures, please ask the Marina Manager for assistance.

If there is an emergency of any kind, call 911. Your location is CAROLINE BAY MARINA, 8 Caroline Bay Road Sandys, Bermuda. The Marina is approximately a quarter of a mile past the sales gallery on the Morgan’s Point Development property. If you can, please notify the Caroline Bay Marina office so we can also assist if required.

FIRE - Dial 911 If there is a fire, please contact 911 and inform neighboring boats, crew and any other guest who may be in immediate area.

Fire will take hold in a boat within 3 minutes. It is essential that all occupants are told to leave without delay, and do not wait to collect any belongings.

Fire Extinguishers are located on each dock pier and are clearly labelled. They are in the same pedestals which also hold the lifebuoys.

Fires on interior furnishings, fiberglass or timber can be contained with a water hose. If the fire has reached electrical equipment or flammable liquids such as gasoline, please do not attempt to use a water hose.

If you are unable to control a fire within 1-2 minutes, vacate the area and wait for the Fire Service to arrive.

MEDICAL EMERGENCIES – Dial 911 A defibrillator is located on the outside wall of the Marina building. Instructions are clearly marked and if not followed correctly, the device will not administer a shock.

In the case of a medical non-emergency, the Marina Office has a First-Aid kit.

MAN OVER BOARD” - Statistically, more people fall in the water while their vessel is tied up than when at sea. This is usually due to trips caused by items on the docks such as hoses, electricity cables, and cleats, and often late in the evening. Please always ensure that your area is free of items that can cause a trip or fall.

If a slip and fall happens, please remain calm and call for help. If there is no help available, please take hold of the nearest safe vessel or pontoon until help arrives.

There are lifebuoys located around the Marina. There are also emergency ladders located on the docks. Additionally, the casualty can be directed to the nearest boat with a stern bathing platform and ladder.

Call for First Aid from the Marina Office and if the casualty is more seriously injured or requires further medical assistance, please CALL 911.

Protecting the Environment

WASTE: Please avoid loose items being allowed to blow into the water, especially plastic bags or bottles.
Bins are located along the docks. There are both trash and recycling bins, please use the appropriate receptacle. Please do not dispose of waste oil, batteries, shrink-wrap or any other hazardous materials in the dumpster. Ask the Marina Team about proper disposal. Our Marina staff would be happy to collect the trash throughout the day and ensure that waste is disposed of properly.

SEWAGE: There are two sewage pump out locations towards each end of D-Dock. The Marina also has a long portable hose to reach larger vessels moored on the outside. Vessels moored on A-Dock, B-Dock and C-Dock will be required to relocate to the end of D-Dock to access the pump out. The pump out equipment must be used by Marina staff only.

LEAKS AND SPILLAGES: In the event of any diesel, gasoline, oil or lubricants leaks or spills, please cut off the source immediately and notify the Marina Office. The Marina team is equipped with portable spill kits which contain absorbent materials. If the spill is extensive and not able to be contained, please call 911 and ask to speak directly with the Marine Police.

Preserving the beauty of Bermuda is important to the team at the Caroline Bay Marina and we appreciate the adherence to our guidelines.

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